The District

Lukulu district is situated in the northern part of western province. It is one of the sixteen districts of the province. u It shares local district boundaries with Limulunga in the south, Kaoma in the south East, Kasempa in the North East and Kabompo District in the North. To the west is the boundary with newly created Mitete District.The District has a population of 62,352 which is expected to grow at an annual rate of 1.5% (CSO 2010). The district has a surface area of 8,291 square kilometers, i.e. 1.5 persons per square kilometer. u This creates a huge challenge in the delivery of services as significant resources are required to reach the small scattered population. u The District has one constituency and15 wards. The main economic activities are farming and fishing

“To be an integrated and sustainable town, designed for innovation and entrepreneurship by 2030”.

To provide services of excellence to the community in a transparent and accountable manner through enhanced public, private sector, civil society and NGOs participation.